1.Live flowers may not be planted on any grave site at any time.
2. Artificial or fresh flowers may be placed in temporary vases: however these will be discarded when the grounds are mowed regardless of condition.
3.No decorations (toys,rocks, urns,fences, or benches)
will be allowed.
4. If placement of flower arrangements or other special services are requested by a familly, a service fee will be charged by the Grounds.
5. LIABILITY TO DECORATIONS. Animal Spirit Burial shall not be held liable for lost, misplaced or broken flower vases ot the damage or misplacement by the elements,thieves, vandals or by causes beyond its control. The Grounds reserves the right to regulate the method of decorating grave sites and the right to remove any decorations so that a uniform beauty can be maintained.
6. No trees may be planted without permisssion.
7. The Grounds will not be held responsible for damage done by wildlife, stock animals or disease.
8. All monuments and markers must be approved by Animal Spirit Burial.
9. No monuments or grave markers will be allowed until all fees are paid in full.
10. No grave mounds, borders, enclosures or walks of any kind shall be allowed to be placed or built on any site. Animal Spirit Burial reserves the right to remove any such items.
11. The use of tiles, bricks, stone or other material on any site is strictly forbidden. These items will be removed.
12.Temporary markers or monuments shall not be allowed, except as set by Animal Spirit Burial.
13. All markers shall be flat and set at ground level to ensure mower clearance.
14. Applications for monument and foundations shall be made to the Animal Spirit Burial office by the pet owner. All charges for the foundation shall be paid at the time of the application is approved. No monuments may be delivered to the Grounds until all charges are paid in full. All monuments must be approved by Animal Spirit Burial. No monuments or foundations will be set from November to May or during freezing weather.
15. All monuments and markers will be subjected to a charge for foundations and setting.
16. All markers or monuments set by the company that sold them will have to follow the rules governing their placement. The site for the marker or monument will be laid out by Animal Spirit Burial. There will be a minimum charge of one hour for locting and/or inspecting the set item.
17. CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS. Animal Spirit Burial reserves the right to examine any contractor or subcontractors to ensure efficient skills and equipement to perform stated tasks at a level of efficiency acceptably to Animal Spirit Burial. A $2,000 bond issued in favor of Animal Spirit burial must be furnished to cover any damage that might be caused by said contactor.
18. There is no public drinking water available on the property.
19. There will be no snow removal.
These Rules and Regulations have been adopted by Animal Spirit Burial, to help maintain the natural beauty of the grounds and may be changed at any time.